CERES: when your contribution to the world pays off

We have 3 project proposals, and a team of 5 persons working at 30% to execute the projects with a total capital of 20.0 CERC and 350 HRS. We need 25,000 CERC total (30,000.00€) to pursue our projects within 280 days. With a threshold set to 5000 CERC we can start with the most important projects. Pick the project to which you would like to contribute.
We recently launched our operation and have an early stage development team which we would like to expand.
The CEREScoin (#CERC) is a clone of CryptoNote currency to maintain transaction privacy. You can find the coin's specification here.
The CERES cryptocurrency system is an abundant μ-funding platform available for all "blockchain" enabled projects. It is a fantastic way to fund projects you decide are important for you, your family, or the planet.
We have devised a system where you can decide which projects you want to support. This is your voice on how to shape the immediate future. You are the one who funds the change you want to see by allocating CEREScoins to your selected project. This is financial intelligence (FI).
CEREScoin is the Uber of finances. The CERESplatform automatically funds your projects.
Name origin:
Ceres is a dwarf planet and the largest astronomical object in the asteroid belt, a region of our solar system that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Its diameter of approximately 945 km makes it the thirteenth largest known object in the solar system. Ceres became well-known for its mysterious "Bright Spot". more ...
Why we made CERES ?
- We can be smart with our money!
- We all have untapped resources to make a significant impact.
- We think collectively we have easy access to these resources.
- CEREScoins enable the coordination required to properly direct resources.
The highest risk of failure in any project is often its limited funds for its execution.
However imagine now we can communicate with everyone to synchronize our actions and together gather the resources necessary to move forward. We will have much more ease to get things done, right ?
CERES is the link to route the offer to the demand. While everyone propose projects, and get to vote on what inspire them, an autonomous governance system allocate resources to the projects based on their score. So the coin is really your voting power.
Good projects are bound to produce a return and therefore will naturally attract more supporters.
Get some CERES and start dreaming, we do the rest to make it happened.
How to get coins ?
If you already have bitcoins, probably the simplest thing to do is to scan the QRcode. if not, see our buying Crypto Guide. The price of one CERES*coin is 0.4 mBTC you can get one, or else send the corresponding mbitcoins amount to the address: 1CERes64XBdKxeKv3WP5o4Fa9uA4HnmEkQ, we'll credit your balance automagically.
If you don't have a CERES*wallet there your participation is delegated to the our *bot (cxqSFaBmk*) who will cast randomly its vote among the projects on the list. This way everyone is get stochastically some funds.
Note: we also accept fiat and G*coins.
- CERES*platform : unlocking abundance with Financial Intelligence read more... (this project itself!)
- Gradual Change : supporting everyone basic needs read more...,
- U-Nion : Transform the media and Television with a participatory model read more...
- and others ...
As any crowdfunding that is important is the message you carry out is tuned to a wide audience: clear, precise and to the point.
Also our cumulative networking power is important, we have to speak about the projects we love, let's have our friends and communities knows. So please communicate, communicate, be social and ask people to vote for projects you believe in.
To start please vote with some CEREScoins on one of the project in the list above.
We accept CERES donation here : cxqSFaBmk*
site archived at http://neocities.org/site/ceres/archives